

FilmQuest, Upcoming Articles and Reviews

I have received an opportunity of covering Utah's second largest film festival, FilmQuest.

The festival is September 8th through September 16th. FilmQuest is an international film festival specializing in sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. They had over 1,000 submissions this year and will be screening over 200 full length and short movies.

I will be writing articles about the festival for Utah Geek Magazine. My goal is to cover as much as I can, which means I will be writing a lot of articles. First publication will be going to Utah Geek Magazine, then I will be adding them to Guild Master Gaming.

The articles I will be publishing will be extra articles, I plan on continuing to publish articles about table top gaming. However, because several of the outlets that allow me to share my articles are specialized to different types of gaming, I will only be publishing the articles on a limited number of locations, unless I hear from the site owners it is alright to share across their platform. Otherwise, if you are interested in getting all of the posts I please ask that you like or follow the blog, or one of the social media feeds I maintain.

I hope you will enjoy the information about FilmQuest and the movie reviews that will be forth coming.

Daniel Yocom

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