

Splat That!, Game Review

Chef Splat is in the kitchen working with eggs and chicken. He can't get everything done on his own, so he has his helpers watching out for him. With quick reflexes and fast action you can help the chef clear the kitchen.

Splat That! A deviled eggz game is a card game for 3–8 ages 5 and up. It is produced, designed, and illustrated by Jazwings. And, Jazwings is getting ready to put up on a Kickstarter campaign in February 2017.

I was sent a development copy of Splat That! and played with a couple of groups of players getting down close to the lower age limit. The younger players enjoyed playing the game and were able to learn it very quickly. Almost every one of them was already familiar with the mechanic used, which made it even better for them. Those who didn't know where quick to learn from the other players.

Chef Splat, Practical Yolker, and Dare Devil
Splat That! uses the mechanic of Slap Jack  or Snap played with standard playing cards. This game has some variations to take it a little further.

This has a 108 deck of cards; the size of two standard decks of playing cards with the jokers left in. The cards are distributed as evenly as possible between the players, then they take turns turning over a card onto a discard pile. The first player to get rid of all of their cards win. When Chef Splat is turned up on the discard pile the players need to slap the pile. The last person who slaps the pile places the all the cards in the discard pile into their personal deck. There are also other cards and events to watch for.
Some common Cards (one's upside down)

Along with Chef Splat there are other cards and the chance of a doubles play that create action. When doubles appear you slap those for the same results of having to pick up the pile. When a Cracked Egg is rolled over onto the discard pile the players need to crack an egg on their head, again the last to act gets the pile. There is also the Practical Yolker, he looks similar to Chef Splat, but you usually don't want to slap him (double rule). If you do, you get the pile. There are also cards that require hand changes and, making a player sit out for a period of time, another card allows you to not take an action required of you. There is also a card that can be used to dare other players (you don't have to use dares, which was good for one of our playtesting sessions).

Some specialty Cards
I grew up playing Slap Jack and War with regular playing cards and Splat That! is reminiscent of those days. The younger players enjoyed it, with the highest level of enjoyment with the 6–7 year olds. For the older player the game went quick enough, 15–30 minutes. Once the younger players understood how to play they were happy to have a game they could play on their own.

Splat That! would make a good cabin game since it is only the size of two standard decks of cards. We also noted that the more creative players were starting to come up with some rule ideas of their own.

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